Wait, what was that?

I was following a recording today and there passed a term alien to me, and therefore almost unintelligble.

My brain (if left alone) would have waved that term on by and that would be where this story ended. It was a little decoration on a sentence.

However I (as if separate from my brain) was like, “no, wait a second, rewind, what was that?”. I couldn’t quite make out the term, so I searched for whatever I heard.

Kurt Patrick

I was rewarded with a “ah you meant the Kirkpatrick Model”, and now I’m reading an article that tells me:

The Kirkpatrick Model is a globally recognized method of evaluating the results of training and learning programs.

Which is super relevant to a problem I’m currently thinking about at Learnerbly, as to how to measure the effectiveness and impact of any given resource.

My lesson learnt here is not to “wave opportunity on by” just because it takes a little extra active listening.

Lean in to what you’re doing, and be mindful of those tiny, “wait, what was that?”s. Rewind.

Catch those opportunities for growth and don’t accept “I don’t know, but it probably wasn’t important” as good-enough.